Designing a healing meditative experience bridging the natural and digital world through plant-human interface design.
Eco-centric design: How can we co-create and co-live with our fellow non-human beings? So much life outside of ours (humans) flourish but as humans we put ourselves at the center (or at the top) of the ecosystem.
How can I allow our green friends (plants) that are all around us to co-live with me through the curation and design of a co-habitat? Through a mutual collaboration and understanding | emphasizing with the plant species, we are able to acquire a deep understanding of the non-human species. To encourage the bridging of the shared unwelt and designing for a more mutual, eco-centric design.
<aside> 🪴 How can different senses and sounds be used to optimize the physical space to create a harmonious environment for meditation to benefit both humans and plant species?
tools used: p5.js, ecosystem, webcam, laptop (any device that can run code software)
team members: Chloe Kim
instructor: Jiabao Li
course: Eco-Centric Design: Interspecies Co-Creation | DES 330T
timeline: Fall 2023 | 4 Weeks
Feedback requested
👉 How was the meditation experience using the current software prototype / interface?